Okoa Pesa Pap - Download App APK, Loans , Contacts

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Okoa Pesa Pap app is a mobile online platform meant for managing money savings and active loans under one place.

Okoa Pesa Pap Loans.

This app doesn't give out any loans. It is a credit management platform. The app helps with reminders when your active loans become due. The loans can be from any lender for example mobile loan apps like Tala ,Branch, Okash, Timiza. Loans from banks like Absa Bank, NCBA, KCB, Coopbank can also be included in this app .

Okoa pesa Pap Savings

The app also helps customers receive reminders in order to achieve certain set saving goals. Tou can choose for example to save for a purpose like a holiday trip and Okoa Pesa Pap will help you be on track.

Okoa Pesa Pap App Download, APK

Most of the services are for free in this app but some are available for purchase. To start using the app saving and loan management services, kindly Download Okoa Pesa Pap App from Google play store .

How To Contact Okoa Pesa Pap 

To reach out to the customer Care,kindly use the contacts below. No Okoa Pesa Pap phone numbers though currently;

  • bajetia@danyhub.com


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