Tala , Branch USSD Code and SMS Loans

Tala, Branch International apps logos

Many have been asking if it possible to get Tala mobile loans or Branch International loans through a USSD code or via SMS.

Currently there are 6 trusted mobile lenders who provide loans via USSD codes  in Kenya.

Check the list now ; 6 USSD Code Lenders in Kenya

Tala USSD Code and SMS Loans

Currently Tala has an android app which serves as the only platform from which customers can apply for loans.

This means it is not possible to ask for loan from Tala via USSD code. All you need to do is to download the Tala app from Google play store, create your account and apply for the loan. 

Update: Tala Launches USSD Code *846#

Tala has an SMS number 21991 but it's for communication purposes only. It is therefore not possible to borrow tala loans through SMS.

Branch International USSD code and SMS Loans

Branch doesn't have a USSD code or an SMS number at all. Customers use the app for both loans and communication.

To get loans from Branch International , all you have to do is download the app from Google play store, create your account and apply.


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